Tag: drinks
Why free (soft) drinks won’t bring me back to USAir
by Captain G on Feb.23, 2009, under Airlines
I just got an email from USAir [US-Scare] telling me that they are bringing back free soft drinks starting March 1, 2009. I was going to write a post blasting US-Scare late last year for charging me $2 for an orange juice that came from a can. I also saw the flight attendant charging another passenger for water. I was on a 5 hour flight (JFK to PHX). Holding your customers hostage on a 5+ hour flight to get another $2 to $4 (some may need two drinks) does not make business sense.
I am not sure who is running marketing at US-Scare but Doug Parker (the CEO) better start to look for a new head of marketing. Fernand Fernandez was the signer of the email but I am sure Fernand reports to another old guy in the industry who needs to be replaced. Emails like “We’re bringing back free drinks” will not work unless drinks mean Glenlivet 25!