Tag: indianapolis
Excellent Review of the new Indianapolis International Airport
by Captain G on Jan.04, 2009, under Business Travel
I have never been to Indianapolis or Indiana. However, the Indianapolis Airport Review by The Urbanophile inspires our team to take a closer look at airports we have visited. We will be reviewing some major airports in the coming months.
Below are links to The Urbanophile detailed analysis of the Indianapolis Airport:
Indianapolis Airport Terminal Part 1: Exterior
Indianapolis Airport Terminal Part 2: Interior
Indianapolis Airport Terminal Part 3: Finishing
Indianapolis Airport Terminal Part 4: Signage
Indianapolis Airport Terminal Part 5: Artwork
Indianapolis Airport Terminal Part 6: Miscellaneous
Indianapolis Airport Terminal Part 7: Conclusion
Given the fact that the Urbanophile specializes in covering urban affairs and transportation matters in Midwestern
cities, we may not be as insightful as their blog. We will strive to provide honest and objective points of view of each airport.