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Tag: virgin

How Virgin America is weak on credit card security

by on Mar.14, 2009, under Airlines

I recently got a new business credit card and started using it to purchase flights.  I swiftly bought a Virgin America ticket with the new credit card, no problems.  Next, I had to fill up gas, and like always I use a credit card to pay and in the more sketchy neighborhoods they always ask for zip code, so I prepared by getting the zip code, and actually the entire billing address.

Later that week, I purchased a United flight, and it asked me to input the billing address, so I entered my mailing address to see it if worked (since I had the card sent there), but no, it didn’t, I had to use the business mailing address and it worked.

I realized, Virgin America didn’t check the address at all.  I’ve recently purchased another VX ticket, and I don’t have the business address stored anywhere. For the extra security, I would be gladly take the burden of entering the correct address to the credit card.

For you readers out there, what about the other airlines?

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